Welcome to the
Cowboys & Christmas
Blog Tour!
A kickoff of new holiday romances by Shanna
and a fundraiser for the Justin Cowboy Crisis
An Interview with Two Heroes
Have you ever wondered what two men from two different centuries would discuss? Today, Shanna Hatfield brings together two of her popular heroes for an interesting interview. Luke Granger is a banker, rancher, and involved community member in The Christmas Bargain, a sweet Victorian romance taking place in 1893 in Hardman, Oregon. Tate Morgan is from the contemporary sweet romance The Christmas Cowboy. He’s a retired saddle bronc rider who calls his ranch near Kennewick, Washington home. Welcome to you both. Tell us a little about your home. Luke: I live in the small but bustling community of Hardman, Oregon in Eastern Oregon. We have several churches, a school, a newspaper office, skating rink and mercantile there. My wife, Filly, and I live in the house where I grew up on the edge of town. We raise cattle and a few horses. Tate: Kenzie, my wife, and I live on the ranch that my grandfather started back in the early 1900s. We’re about thirty miles from Kennewick, Washington. We primarily raise beef cattle, wheat, and hay. What is your single most favorite modern convenience? Luke: Indoor plumbing. Filly frequently reminds me we are very fortunate to have indoor plumbing at our house. When the weather outside is cold and nasty, it sure comes in handy. Tate: I have to say I appreciate indoor plumbing too, but since that is something common that we all take for granted, I’d say my phone is my favorite convenience. (At Luke’s confused look, Tate grins and hands over his cell phone, giving him a brief explanation of how it works.) Luke: I can’t believe you can instantly speak to someone whenever you wish or look up any piece of information. This is like holding the world in your hand. Tate: Yeah, it is. What’s your favorite thing about your home? Luke: (Smiles) Without a doubt, my wife is what makes it home. Filly is the best thing that ever happened to me. Tate: (Nods in agreement) Kenzie turned a quiet ol’ ranch house back into a home. She’s the best and first thing that comes to mind when I think about home. Here are three fun questions... Coffee or tea? Tate: Most of the time coffee, except during the holiday season. Kenzie makes the best Christmas tea. Luke: (Glances at Luke with a curious expression) Filly makes Christmas tea, too. Is the tea your wife makes dark and spicy with just a hint of sweetness? Tate: Sure is! Maybe it’s an old recipe. Cats or dogs? Luke: Dogs. Tate: Definitely dogs. Sweet or savory? Luke and Tate: Sweet! Tate: Christmas treats are one of the best things about the holidays. Luke: I heartily agree. Tell us one thing you admire about your wife. Luke: It’s hard to choose just one. Filly is such a strong person. Her father imprisoned and abused her for more than a decade before I married her. She not only survived but also thrived. She’s witty, charming, lovely, and loving. (Takes a photograph from his pocket and shows it to Tate) Tate: (Grins at Luke). She’s beautiful. She reminds me of Kenzie with that twinkle in her eye and her height. Isn’t that unusual for your era? Luke: Yes, it is. She’s an unusually wonderful woman, though. Is Kenzie tall? Tate: Yep. (Pulls up a photo of Kenzie on his phone and hands it to Luke) Luke: She’s enchanting. Is that your son she’s holding?</ strong> Tate: (Nods) The thing I admire most about Kenzie is her drive. Once she decides on something, there is no stopping her. She’s funny and ten-times smarter than I ever hope to be, not to mention gorgeous and sweet. I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I’m grateful every day for her love... (Smirks) and her cooking. Luke: (Chuckles) Thank you both for joining us. Any parting words for our readers?</ strong> Tate: If you enjoy historical fiction, sweet romances, or good westerns, I hope you’ll consider reading our stories in the Hardman Holidays and Rodeo Romance series. Luke: Be sure to check out The Christmas Calamity, releasing Nov. 13. My assistant Arlan really gets into the magic of the season with the arrival of a prestidigitator in town. Tate: I’ve never met a prestidigitator, although I’ve been around some great rodeo clowns. (The two men get to their feet.) Luke: If you aren’t in a hurry, do you mind if I look up a few things on that? (Gestures to Tate’s cell phone) Tate: (Hands Luke the phone) Go right ahead. By the way, I’d sure like to know how...Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund®
Now through Dec. 24, Shanna will donate 10 percent of the net proceeds from all her book sales to the Justin Cowboy Crisis Fund.
Where to Find The Books
beginning with The Christmas Bargain.
You’re Invited to PARTY!
You’re invited to join in the online Cowboys & Christmas Facebook Party Thursday, Nov. 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (PST). Drop in anytime during those four hours to enter to win great prizes, chat with guest authors, and more! Here’s the link to the party: http://tinyurl.com/ cowboychristmasparty The third book in the Hardman Holidays sweet Victorian romance series releases that day! The Christmas Calamity takes readers back to Hardman just in time for the holiday season. Preorders are available now for just $1.99 on Kindle. You can reserve your copy here: http://amzn.com/B00OGOO994 In addition, the first book in the Hardman Holidays series, The Christmas Bargain, will be available free that day, as well!Enter to Win Prizes!
To enter the drawing for an Amazon gift card, autographed books, chocolates, original western artwork, and more fun goodies, fill out this form. http://tinyurl.com/ cowboychristmasprizesAbout Shanna Hatfield